School Improvement

Do you need to improve teaching and learning in your school? Is attainment in reading or writing a cause for concern in your school? Do you have issues with progress from KS1 to KS2? Have you had a dip in any of your English SATs results?
BC Education can work with you to develop a focused, systematic and consistent approach to the teaching of English. Jane or Debs will meet with you to discuss school issues and identify priorities which will inform a package of support.
Packages of support will be tailored to meet the needs of the individual school but may include some or all of the following:
- Full audit including data analysis, planning and work scrutinies, learning walks, lesson observations
- Action planning and Subject Lead support
- Curriculum Development e.g. text-based approach, topic links, selection of quality texts for each year group
- Planning workshops to develop planning, teaching and on-going assessment
- Support for identified teachers or year groups
- Monitoring support for SMT
- Moderation across phases or across schools
- In-school CPD for teachers and teaching assistants
- Options to develop effective collaboration with other schools through joint CPD
Substantial discounts will be given to schools entering into a contract of support.
Contact Us
Jane Creed - Mobile: 07724 558282 -
Debs Bragard - Mobile: 07595 421642 -
Administration -