Mobile: 07724 558282 / 07595 421642

EYFS Courses

Teaching Early Writing in EYFS (Zoom)

Teaching Phase One Phonics (Zoom)

One-to-One Reading, Group Reading and Guided Reading in Reception (Zoom)

Developing Oracy, Reading and Writing in the Outdoor Area (Zoom)

Developing Early Writing: Writing for Pleasure and Purpose in Reception – How to Engage and Motivate Early Writers (Zoom)

This course made so much sense to me.  I now have a much better plan on how to use my areas of continuous provision.

I can’t wait to get back into school and starting planning!  I know my children are really going to benefit from the ideas I got today.

I think these new ideas are exactly what my class needs.  Thank you for all the lovely resources as well.

Contact Us

Jane Creed - Mobile: 07724 558282 -

Debs Bragard - Mobile: 07595 421642 -

Administration -